Thursday, January 22, 2009

More Visualization websites

Reflecting on this old blog post I am shocked to notice I didn't mention the grand father of the Visualization websites. Ben Shneiderman has worked in the field of Visualisation for many years as can be clearly seen by the HCIL Projects at the University of Maryland.

For some reason, this blog post update has also made me remember the interesting work of Mark Billinghurst's HITLab in NZ. The work is about visualizing things in a different way than is typical when talking about 'visualization'. The HITLab is more about visualizing in an 'augmented reality' sense than in a 'getting your head around massive amounts of data' sense. The 'Outdoor ART' GPS project is quite an easy way to get your head around what they are getting at with augmented reality.

I still think Florence Nightingale was one of the founders of the field of Visualization. I'm stoked to see that she is now getting recognition for her contribution and love the animation on this site. - IBM's Many Eyes Project. Classic information visualization stuff with some interesting new applications. Neat and thought provoking. I like this treemap visualizing highway versus city mileage for cars. - an interesting site showing a boat load of different data visualization examples. - "Swivel is a place where curious people explore data — all kinds of data" It has some interesting data and clean graphs but the representations are not especially novel. - and don't forget my old favourite, Lots of night examples on this one too. - Joe Parry is also keeping an interesing blog on stuff like this.

Source: IxDA Discuss and other sources


Blogger Argey said...

How about Topicscape in research for information- (vs. data-) visualization.

11:29 PM  

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